Upcoming events.

Whakatipu Music Festival: Opening Concert
English (Māori version below):
This will be the first concert of the Whakatipu Music Festival in Tāhuna | Queenstown, in the shadow of the mountain, Kawarau | The Remarkables, and on the shores of Whakatipu Moana | Lake Whakatipu. I’ll be singing some Vivaldi, from Juditha Triumphans, and there will be some fantastic artists there singing and performing some more wonderful music.
Tickets can be purchased at this link.
(Reo Māori):
Ko te konihete tuatahi tēnei o te Whakatipu Music Festival kei Tāhuna, i te ātārangi o Kawarau mauka, kei te tahatika o Whakatipu moana. Ka waiata au i ētahi mea nā Vivaldi i tito, he mea tīpako nā Juditha Triumphans. Tokomaha ngā kaiwhakatangi, me ngā kaiwaiata i weira e tū ana ki te whatārangi.
Tīketi: Hokonai ai kei tēnei tono nei.

Whakatipu Music Festival: Solo Recital
English (Māori version below):
This will be my second performance at the Whakatipu Music Festival. I’ll be giving a thirty minute solo recital with Stephen De Pledge (piano/harpsichord). This recital is designed as a mihi/acknowledgment to the Whakatipu Basin and to its kōrero tīpuna, or ancestral stories. This is a part of the world where I was lucky to spend so much of my young life and so this is a deeply personal performance for me. The recital acknowledges the roto (lakes), pakihi (basin flats), ara tawhito (ancestral pathways), and its kāinga (homeliness). Stephen and I will be performing a mix of baroque arias, nineteenth-century art song, and some early Māori waiata (songs).
Schubert (1797 - 1828): Auf dem See
Handel (1685 - 1759): Agitato da fiere Tempeste, from Riccardo d’Inghilterra
Handel (1685 - 1759): Vaghe fonti, from Agrippina
Caccini (1551 - 1618): E te manu waimārire (translation of Fortunate augellino, into Māori by Austin Haynes)
Tōmoana (1874 - 1950): I runga o ngā puke
Schubert (1797 - 1828): Wohin?
Ngata (1874-1950): Te Kāinga Tupu (translation of Home Sweet Home into Māori)
Handel (1685 - 1759): Yet can I hear that dulcet lay, from The Choice of Hercules
Tickets can be purchased at this link.
(Reo Māori):
Ko tēnei taku tūnga tuarua kei te hui ahurei puoro o Whakatipu. Ka tū au mō tētahi konohete takitahi, e toru tekau ngā meneti, kei te taha o Stephen De Pledge (kaiwhakatangi piana). I hangā tēnei konohete hei mihi ki te rohe o Whakatipu me ōna kōrero tūpuna. Nōku te tino waimarire, nō te mea ko tēnei tōpito o te ao he wāhi i noho ai au, i tupu ai au mō te wā roa i taku ohinga, heoi, he mea tata tēnei ki taku ngākau. He mihi te konohete nei ki ngā roto, ngā pakihi, ngā ara tawhito me ngā kāinga o Whakatipu Wai Māori me te rohe e takoto mai rā. Ka hāpaitia e māua ko Stephen he tino ranunga o ngā āria baroque, ngā “lieder” (waiata ōkawa) o te rautau tekau-mā-iwa, me ētahi taonga nō te oroko tupunga mai o te waiata ā-ringa
Schubert (1797 - 1828): Auf dem See
Handel (1685 - 1759): Agitato da fiere Tempeste, nō te ōpera Riccardo d’Inghilterra
Handel (1685 - 1759): Vaghe fonti, nō Agrippina
Caccini (1551 - 1618): E te manu waimārire (whakamāoritanga o Fortunato augellino, i te reo Itariana nā Austin Haynes)
Tōmoana (1874 - 1950): I runga o ngā puke
Schubert (1797 - 1828): Wohin?
Ngata (1874-1950): Te Kāinga Tupu (whakamāoritanga o te waiata, Home Sweet Home)
Handel (1685 - 1759): Yet can I hear that dulcet lay, nō te ōpera paku, The Choice of Hercules
Tīketi: Hokonai ai kei tēnei tono nei.
NZ Barok: Melody, Harmony, and Fire
English (Māori version below):
This will be a really exciting evening of singing with the wonderful NZ Barok orchestra up in Tāmaki | Auckland. Very happy to be joining them as their guest artist for a program of Neapolitan baroque music. You’ll be able to enjoy some spectacularly beautiful and dizzyingly virtuosic arias and instrumental works from composers like Scarlatti, Porpora, Broschi and Hasse. I hope to see you there!
Three concerts, at:
Friday 2 May: 7:30 pm
Saturday 3 May: 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Location: St Luke’s, Remuera
Tickets can be purchased at this link.
(Reo Māori):
E hīkaka ana taku ngākau ki tēnei kaupapa waiata me te rōpū a NZ Barok kei raro rā i Tāmaki. Harikoa rawa ahau ki te hono atu ki a rātou hei kaiwaiata manuwhiri mō tēnei rārangi puoro baroque nō Napera (Naples). Ka whakarekaina ai a Taringa ki ētahi āria me pīhi whakatangitangi ātaahua pau-te-hau, me pīataata whakatakaānini, nā ēnei kaitito kahurangi a Scarlatti, a Porpora, a Broschi me Hasse.
E toru ngā konihete hei te:
Paraire 2 Mei: 7:30 pm
Hatarei 3 Mei: 2:00 pm me te 7:30 pm
Wāhi: Hato Ruka, Remuwera
Tīketi: Hokonai ai kei tēnei hono nei.
NZ Barok: Melody, Harmony, and Fire
English (Māori version below):
This will be a really exciting evening of singing with the wonderful NZ Barok orchestra up in Tāmaki | Auckland. Very happy to be joining them as their guest artist for a program of Neapolitan baroque music. You’ll be able to enjoy some spectacularly beautiful and dizzyingly virtuosic arias and instrumental works from composers like Scarlatti, Porpora, Broschi and Hasse. I hope to see you there!
Three concerts, at:
Friday 2 May: 7:30 pm
Saturday 3 May: 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Location: St Luke’s, Remuera
Tickets can be purchased at this link.
(Reo Māori):
E hīkaka ana taku ngākau ki tēnei kaupapa waiata me te rōpū a NZ Barok kei raro rā i Tāmaki. Harikoa rawa ahau ki te hono atu ki a rātou hei kaiwaiata manuwhiri mō tēnei rārangi puoro baroque nō Napera (Naples). Ka whakarekaina ai a Taringa ki ētahi āria me pīhi whakatangitangi ātaahua pau-te-hau, me pīataata whakatakaānini, nā ēnei kaitito kahurangi a Scarlatti, a Porpora, a Broschi me Hasse.
E toru ngā konihete hei te:
Paraire 2 Mei: 7:30 pm
Hatarei 3 Mei: 2:00 pm me te 7:30 pm
Wāhi: Hato Ruka, Remuwera
Tīketi: Hokonai ai kei tēnei hono nei.
NZ Barok: Melody, Harmony, and Fire
English (Māori version below):
This will be a really exciting evening of singing with the wonderful NZ Barok orchestra up in Tāmaki | Auckland. Very happy to be joining them as their guest artist for a program of Neapolitan baroque music. You’ll be able to enjoy some spectacularly beautiful and dizzyingly virtuosic arias and instrumental works from composers like Scarlatti, Porpora, Broschi and Hasse. I hope to see you there!
Three concerts, at:
Friday 2 May: 7:30 pm
Saturday 3 May: 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Location: St Luke’s, Remuera
Tickets can be purchased at this link.
(Reo Māori):
E hīkaka ana taku ngākau ki tēnei kaupapa waiata me te rōpū a NZ Barok kei raro rā i Tāmaki. Harikoa rawa ahau ki te hono atu ki a rātou hei kaiwaiata manuwhiri mō tēnei rārangi puoro baroque nō Napera (Naples). Ka whakarekaina ai a Taringa ki ētahi āria me pīhi whakatangitangi ātaahua pau-te-hau, me pīataata whakatakaānini, nā ēnei kaitito kahurangi a Scarlatti, a Porpora, a Broschi me Hasse.
E toru ngā konihete hei te:
Paraire 2 Mei: 7:30 pm
Hatarei 3 Mei: 2:00 pm me te 7:30 pm
Wāhi: Hato Ruka, Remuwera
Tīketi: Hokonai ai kei tēnei hono nei.

Rotorua: Opera in the Pā
Ka hoki au ki Rotorua ki te huihui atu ki ēnei manu pīataata a Eddi Muliaumaseali’i, Sarah Sweeting, Nathan Hauraki me Nikau Grace Chater. He konohete tēnei hei whakanui i te puoro me te waiata o te ao Māori me te moana nui a Kiwa. Hikaka ana te ngākau ki te tautoko i te kaupapa nei, ki te hoki hiere atu ki te whenua o Te Arawa, te whenua tupuna o tāku tāne.
I’ll be heading back to Rotorua this March to join with some talented singers, Eddie Muliaumaseali’i, Sarah Sweeting, Nathan Hauraki and Nikau Grace Chater. This is an evening which celebrated the music of our Māori and Pasifika worlds. I’m very excited to support this kaupapa and to return again to sing on Te Arawa whenua.

Waiata in the Woolshed
Mō tēnei kaupapa ka haere au ki te ngahere o ngā maunga a Tarahaoa me Hua-te-Kerekere, tata ana ki Te Raukāpuka | Heratīni. He ahiahi whakahirahira tēnei, ko Anah Aikman hei kaiwhakataki, ā, atu i ahau, ko ngā reo manuwhiri ko Tākuta Emma Maurice, ko Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, ko Tākuta Pounamu Aikman me te tira waiata ko Wahine on Toa.
For this afternoon, I will be travelling to Peel Forest, the ngahere that clothes the maunga Tarahaoa and Hua-te-Kerekere north of Raukāpuka | Geraldine. This will be a powerful afternoon of kōrero and waiata led by MC Anah Aikman with guests including Dr Emma Maurice, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Dr Pounamu Aikman and Wahine on Toa.

Masterclass with Joyce Didonato
Am *so* grateful that I’ve been invited to sing in this masterclass with Joyce Didonato in Oxford alongside some wonderful peers of mine. Pinching myself! Cannot wait!

New Chamber Opera: Purcell’s King Arthur
Returning to NCO for a cameo appearance as the Cold Genius in King Arthur!
Directed by the wonderful Luke Mitchell and featuring some fabulous singers.

New Chamber Opera: Purcell’s King Arthur
Returning to NCO for a cameo appearance as the Cold Genius in King Arthur!
Directed by the wonderful Luke Mitchell and featuring some fabulous singers.

Harmonious Siren: The Vocal Music of Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (Instruments of Time & Truth)
I’ll be stepping in as alto soloist for this wonderful program with Instruments of Time and Truth celebrating the stunning music of Chiara Cozzolani.

Tait Memorial Trust: 'Life's a Pleasure'
I’ll be singing at this program in celebration of John Rendall alongside some of of colleagues at the Tait Memorial Trust. Some lighter repertoire!

Instruments of Time and Truth: Alto Soloist in Handel's 'Messiah'
I will be back in Oxford to sing the alto solos in Handel’s Messiah with Instruments of Time and Truth directed by Edward Higginbottom. Exciting times!!

TAIT Foundation: Bravura in the Salon
Excited to be performing with some of my Australian and Aotearoa colleagues at TAIT Memorial Trust for this salon performance. I will be singing two Handel arias with star cellist, Jessica Abrahams, now studying at the Royal Academy of Music. We will be performing Orlando’s aria, ‘Fammi Combattere’ (Orlando) and Tolomeo’s heart-stopping aria, ‘Still Amare’ (Tolomeo). It promises to be an exciting evening, with some utterly wonderful artists.

Victoria Chorale: Spirit in Purcell’s ‘Dido and Aeneas’ and alto soloist in Vivaldi’s ‘Magnificat’
I will be performing as the alto soloist in Vivaldi's glorious Magnificat and as the Spirit in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas. Very excited to be performing alongside some wonderful musicians here with Victoria Chorale, directed by Mario Dobernig.

RISING: Consort of the Moon by Genevieve Lacey and Erkki Veltheim (Melbourne) (Copy)
From the website of Genevieve Lacey:
‘Consort of the Moon imagines a new choral ritual, built from the echoes of an ancient melody.
It’s a new sound work that I’m creating with Erkki Veltheim and a brilliant team of collaborators. Consort of the Moon transforms a haunting, ancient melody into an elemental experience of communal listening, both to each other, and to the wild earth.
The work layers live and hyper-real electroacoustic music to usher in a hypnotic, unifying ceremony. Audiences are welcome to participate, or simply sit and listen to a drifting, environmental soundscape that alters the collective sense of space and time.
This twilight gathering is inspired by the oldest known piece of notated song — an ode to Nikkal, Goddess of Orchards and Consort of the Moon. The music echoes the calls of owls, bats, and cicadas — blurring lines between human and animal realms in a nocturnal metamorphosis.
We’ll premiere this new work for Rising, June 10-14. We couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating its birth in a place and community that’s home and dear to us, after years of dreaming and working on it. Tickets are on sale here for the June season.’

RISING: Consort of the Moon by Genevieve Lacey and Erkki Veltheim (Melbourne) (Copy)
From the website of Genevieve Lacey:
‘Consort of the Moon imagines a new choral ritual, built from the echoes of an ancient melody.
It’s a new sound work that I’m creating with Erkki Veltheim and a brilliant team of collaborators. Consort of the Moon transforms a haunting, ancient melody into an elemental experience of communal listening, both to each other, and to the wild earth.
The work layers live and hyper-real electroacoustic music to usher in a hypnotic, unifying ceremony. Audiences are welcome to participate, or simply sit and listen to a drifting, environmental soundscape that alters the collective sense of space and time.
This twilight gathering is inspired by the oldest known piece of notated song — an ode to Nikkal, Goddess of Orchards and Consort of the Moon. The music echoes the calls of owls, bats, and cicadas — blurring lines between human and animal realms in a nocturnal metamorphosis.
We’ll premiere this new work for Rising, June 10-14. We couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating its birth in a place and community that’s home and dear to us, after years of dreaming and working on it. Tickets are on sale here for the June season.’

RISING: Consort of the Moon by Genevieve Lacey and Erkki Veltheim (Melbourne) (Copy)
From the website of Genevieve Lacey:
‘Consort of the Moon imagines a new choral ritual, built from the echoes of an ancient melody.
It’s a new sound work that I’m creating with Erkki Veltheim and a brilliant team of collaborators. Consort of the Moon transforms a haunting, ancient melody into an elemental experience of communal listening, both to each other, and to the wild earth.
The work layers live and hyper-real electroacoustic music to usher in a hypnotic, unifying ceremony. Audiences are welcome to participate, or simply sit and listen to a drifting, environmental soundscape that alters the collective sense of space and time.
This twilight gathering is inspired by the oldest known piece of notated song — an ode to Nikkal, Goddess of Orchards and Consort of the Moon. The music echoes the calls of owls, bats, and cicadas — blurring lines between human and animal realms in a nocturnal metamorphosis.
We’ll premiere this new work for Rising, June 10-14. We couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating its birth in a place and community that’s home and dear to us, after years of dreaming and working on it. Tickets are on sale here for the June season.’

RISING: Consort of the Moon by Genevieve Lacey and Erkki Veltheim (Melbourne)
From the website of Genevieve Lacey:
‘Consort of the Moon imagines a new choral ritual, built from the echoes of an ancient melody.
It’s a new sound work that I’m creating with Erkki Veltheim and a brilliant team of collaborators. Consort of the Moon transforms a haunting, ancient melody into an elemental experience of communal listening, both to each other, and to the wild earth.
The work layers live and hyper-real electroacoustic music to usher in a hypnotic, unifying ceremony. Audiences are welcome to participate, or simply sit and listen to a drifting, environmental soundscape that alters the collective sense of space and time.
This twilight gathering is inspired by the oldest known piece of notated song — an ode to Nikkal, Goddess of Orchards and Consort of the Moon. The music echoes the calls of owls, bats, and cicadas — blurring lines between human and animal realms in a nocturnal metamorphosis.
We’ll premiere this new work for Rising, June 10-14. We couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating its birth in a place and community that’s home and dear to us, after years of dreaming and working on it. Tickets are on sale here for the June season.’

LIANG SHANBO in Richard Mills’ ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ (Singapore) (Copy)
I’ll be performing in the role of Liang Shanbo in Richard Mills’ new opera, ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ in this collaboration between Wild Rice Singapore and Victorian Opera. I’m very lucky to be working alongside some wonderful artists, including Cathy-Di Zhang (Zhu Yingtai) and Haotian Qi (Zhu/Master).

LIANG SHANBO in Richard Mills’ ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ (Singapore) (Copy)
I’ll be performing in the role of Liang Shanbo in Richard Mills’ new opera, ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ in this collaboration between Wild Rice Singapore and Victorian Opera. I’m very lucky to be working alongside some wonderful artists, including Cathy-Di Zhang (Zhu Yingtai) and Haotian Qi (Zhu/Master).

LIANG SHANBO in Richard Mills’ ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ (Singapore) (Copy)
I’ll be performing in the role of Liang Shanbo in Richard Mills’ new opera, ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ in this collaboration between Wild Rice Singapore and Victorian Opera. I’m very lucky to be working alongside some wonderful artists, including Cathy-Di Zhang (Zhu Yingtai) and Haotian Qi (Zhu/Master).

LIANG SHANBO in Richard Mills’ ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ (Singapore) (Copy)
I’ll be performing in the role of Liang Shanbo in Richard Mills’ new opera, ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ in this collaboration between Wild Rice Singapore and Victorian Opera. I’m very lucky to be working alongside some wonderful artists, including Cathy-Di Zhang (Zhu Yingtai) and Haotian Qi (Zhu/Master).

LIANG SHANBO in Richard Mills’ ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ (Singapore)
I’ll be performing in the role of Liang Shanbo in Richard Mills’ new opera, ‘The Butterfly Lovers’ in this collaboration between Wild Rice Singapore and Victorian Opera. I’m very lucky to be working alongside some wonderful artists, including Cathy-Di Zhang (Zhu Yingtai) and Haotian Qi (Zhu/Master).

Pergolesi 'Stabat Mater' & Vivaldi 'Nisi Dominus'
I’ll be joining with New Chamber Opera again with the wonderful direction of Luke Mitchell and alongside my friend, and exquisite soprano, Maryam Wocial. We will be performing Vivaldi’s Nisi Dominus for solo Alto, and Pergolesi’s heart-rending Stabat Mater for Soprano and Alto.

New College Opera: Pepusch's ‘The Death of Dido’
New Chamber Opera presents German composer, Johann Pepusch’s masque, The Death of Dido (1715). I will be appearing as Aeneas in Pepusch’s Dido, a musical masque which hearkens back to Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas from the end of the previous century. I’m lucky to be singing alongside my wonderful friend, Maryam Wocial as Dido, with my colleague and very clever harpsichordist, Luke Mitchell, and Michael Burden directing.

New College Opera: Pepusch's ‘The Death of Dido’
New Chamber Opera presents German composer, Johann Pepusch’s masque, The Death of Dido (1715). I will be appearing as Aeneas in Pepusch’s Dido, a musical masque which hearkens back to Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas from the end of the previous century. I’m lucky to be singing alongside my wonderful friend, Maryam Wocial as Dido, with my colleague and very clever harpsichordist, Luke Mitchell, and Michael Burden directing.

Herald Sun Aria 2022 Finals
I’m very ✨very✨ excited to be competing as one of six finalists in the Herald Sun Aria this October 2nd! I’ll be singing two Handel arias, ‘Cara Sposa’ (Rinaldo) and ‘Vivi Tiranno’ (Rodelinda). Do pop along if you’re free for this Sunday matinee — all my fellow singers are fabulous up-and-coming artists from around Australia and Aotearoa/NZ. A real treat!

Instruments of Time & Truth: A Tale of Two Cities
A program pairing Handel’s Dixit Dominus (1707) with André Campra’s Requiem (1695). Directed by Edward Higginbottom with the Oxford Consort of Voices. I will be singing the alto solos in the Dixit Dominus and appearing as an haute-contre for the first time in a while for the Campra!

A Coffin, A Confession, and a Cautionary Tale: Three Pieces of Music Theatre
Three newer pieces of music theatre to be performed in the Antechapel at New College. I will be performing Samuel Hogarth’s 2003 piece for countertenor and piano, ‘The Evils of Tobacco’, alongside pianist Jamie Andrews. Hogarth’s piece, a humorous piece, is based on Chekhov’s ‘On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco’ (1886). A fabulous piece!

Instruments of Time & Truth: 'Divine Music! Songs and Odes in Praise of Music'
A program of Restoration period English music in praise of music, by John Blow, Purcell, and Croft, directed by Chris Bucknall. I will be performing as part of a consort of young Oxford-based singers.

New College Opera: Solo Recital
A solo recital with Luke Mitchell (harpsichord) with New College Opera! Program to include Caccini, Handel, Paraire Tōmoana, and Purcell. This event is live-streamed, so please tune in if you’re back home in Aotearoa or Australia! Scheduled to begin 9:15 pm AEST or 11:15 PM NZT. The YouTube livestream is preserved after the event, so check it out later on if you’re asleep by then!
UPDATE: we had issues with the livestream, so skip ahead to 16 mins 30 secs to watch the second half of the recital xoxo
Livestream: https://youtu.be/_-cZweTiw8c/
Program: https://www.newchamberopera.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Austin-Programme-HT.pdf
Bios: https://www.newchamberopera.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Updated-bio.pdf

Oxford Bach Soloists: BWV 213 'Laßt Uns Sorgen, Laßt Uns Wachen'
Due to unexpected covid things, I will be standing in to sing alto solos this Sunday 9th in Bach’s secular cantata, ‘Laßt Uns Sorgen, Laßt Uns Wachen’, with Oxford Bach Soloists. This cantata, written for the 11th birthday of Prince Friedrich Christian of Saxony (yes, really), is about young Hercules — and *I* am going to be Hercules!

Instruments of Time & Truth: Messiah
Three performances of Handel’s Messiah with Instruments of Time & Truth between Madrid and Oxford’s University Church, directed by Edwards Higginbottom. I am singing as part of the choir with the Oxford Consort of Voices.
Madrid: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm on 14th, 15th December (Auditorio Nacional de Musica)
Oxford: 18th December (University Church)
Tickets (Madrid): https://www.auditorionacional.mcu.es/es/programacion/fundacion-bancaria-201cla-caixa201d-el-mesias-participativo-2
Tickets (Oxford): https://www.timeandtruth.co.uk/new-events/2021/12/18/handel-messiah-oxford