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Waiata in the Woolshed

  • 265 Peel Forest Road Arundel New Zealand (map)

Mō tēnei kaupapa ka haere au ki te ngahere o ngā maunga a Tarahaoa me Hua-te-Kerekere, tata ana ki Te Raukāpuka | Heratīni. He ahiahi whakahirahira tēnei, ko Anah Aikman hei kaiwhakataki, ā, atu i ahau, ko ngā reo manuwhiri ko Tākuta Emma Maurice, ko Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, ko Tākuta Pounamu Aikman me te tira waiata ko Wahine on Toa.

For this afternoon, I will be travelling to Peel Forest, the ngahere that clothes the maunga Tarahaoa and Hua-te-Kerekere north of Raukāpuka | Geraldine. This will be a powerful afternoon of kōrero and waiata led by MC Anah Aikman with guests including Dr Emma Maurice, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Dr Pounamu Aikman and Wahine on Toa.

18 April

Tait Memorial Trust: 'Lift Up Our Voices'

2 March

Rotorua: Opera in the Pā