‘Vivi Tiranno!’ from Rodelinda (Handel) — March 2024

Here’s me performing Bertarido’s fabulous aria, ‘Vivi Tiranno’ from Act III of Handel’s Rodelinda.

Three Māori Songs by Erima Maewa Kaihau (1918)

Here’s me singing three waiata/songs by Erima Maewa Kaihau, a Māori composer who seems to have been from the iwi (tribe) of Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua. She published these songs in 1918. The third song, ‘Akoako o te rangi’ is somewhat better known within Aotearoa/NZ, but it was a delight to explore what we could do with these other two: ‘Me pēhea rā’, and ‘E moe te rā’. The Māori poetry is gorgeous, but a bit tricky — and it seems like the publisher also found it tricky as they’ve made quite a few considerable typos while setting the text! I’ve tried to make some textual emendations to allow the poetry to make a bit more sense. I hope you also get some enjoyment out of Kaihau’s wonderful pieces!

‘Fammi Combattere’ from Orlando (Handel) — November 2023

Here we are performing this gloriously exciting aria, and I am lucky to be singing with the wonderful Jess Abrahams (cello) and Chad Vindin (piano). With gratitude to Isla Baring and the Tait Memorial Trust for making opportunities like this happen.

‘Stille Amare’ from Tolomeo (Handel) — November 2023

Here’s me with wonderful Jess Abrahams (cello) and Chad Vindin (piano) performing this thrilling piece from the final act of Handel’s Tolomeo.